Dear SAC Members and Friends,

Please see attached an example of what SAC can do and is doing to improve the look of our neighborhood. Less than two months ago, concerned residents of East 59th Street, brought to SAC’s attention the fact that the north side of the street, between the 1st and the 2nd Avenues, is a total eyesore. With vehicles and related machines belonging to the NYC Department of Transportation quite visible. Given the loveliness of the 59th Street bridge, it is deeply felt that the best and highest usage for this space would be the expansion of the existing Honey Locust Park. Assisted by SAC President, Dr. Charles Coutinho, the residents concerned met with various community liaisons for among others: Assemblyman Alex Bores & City Council member Julie Menin. As you can see from the attached note, these elected officials have brought our concern to the attention of the Department of Transportation. Hopefully, with a response which will find favor with the area residents. We at SAC promise to keep you informed about this matter.

PDF – Community Expansion Request for Honey Locust Park